Chinese Historical Weiqi Game Records (30 Volumes)

Series: Chinese Historical Weiqi Game Records (30 volumes)
Publisher: Beijing Library Press 北京图书馆出版社
Edited by: National Library Branch 国家图书馆分馆
Published: 2004
ISBN: 9787501324330
Format: hardcover volumes
Publisher Recommended Price: RMB15,000

If you have ever thought about getting a facsimile reproduction collection of practically the summation of all the known and available ancient Chinese weiqi manuals, this is the collection to buy. Some of the other modern reproductions of ancient Chinese weiqi manuals may be abridged versions such as Chinese Weiqi Ancient Manuals Complete Collection (10 books/24 volumes) but this set is definitely a full reproduction. Do note that as some of the material is very rare there may have only been access to partially damaged manuals. But it would seem that the editing team used the best available copies of each original source they could access.

The contents of the individual volumes are as follows:

Volume 1
棋品(清顺治间刻本) (梁)沈约撰
棋经十三篇(明刻本) (宋)张拟撰
原弈 (唐)皮日休撰
弈旨 (汉)班固撰
围棋赋 (汉)马融撰
序棋 (唐)柳宗元撰
悟棋歌 (宋)吕公撰
四仙子图序 –
弈旦评(附弈难)(清顺治间刻本) (明)冯元仲撰
弈问(清顺治间刻本) (明)王世贞撰
棋手势(清顺治间刻本) (□)徐泓撰
弈史(清刻本) (明)王稚登撰
玉局钩玄(清刻本) (明)项世芳辑
弈律(明万历间虞山毛氏汲古阁刻本) (明)王思任撰
棋国阳秋(附弈棋诗)(民国六年湘阴黄氏石印本) 黄铭功撰
棋局诸图(民国五年南陵徐乃昌刻本) (宋)李逸民辑

Volume 2
坐隐斋先生自订棋谱全集(明书林王公行刻本) (元)晏天章,(元)严德甫辑
坐隐先生订棋谱(明刻本)(一) (明)汪廷讷撰

Volume 3
坐隐先生订棋谱(明刻本)(二) (明)汪廷讷撰

Volume 4
弈薮(明刻本) (明)苏之轼编

Volume 5
弈正(明刻本) (明)雍熙日撰
弈时棋谱(明刻本) (明)周冕,(明)汪一廉撰;(明)成於乐编

Volume 6
石山仙机(明金陵世德堂刻本) (明)许〓编
弈时初编(明刻本) (明)成於乐编

Volume 7
弈选(明刻本) (明)佚名编
仙机武库(明末刻本)(一) (明)佚名编

Volume 8
仙机武库(明末刻本)(二) (明)佚名编

Volume 9
官子谱(清康熙三十三年刻本) (清)陶式玉评辑

Volume 10
弈学会海(清康熙三十七年刻本) (清)董耀编
组汇弈谱选(清康熙五十五年刻本) (清)金树志选
不古编(清康熙间蒋昆榕城鹾署刻本) (清)吴贞吉评辑

Volume 11
弈墨(清康熙间刻本) (清)王明廷等鉴定;(清)季德评选
围棋近谱(清康熙间刻本) (清)金〓志编
兼山堂弈谱(清康熙间刻本) (清)徐星友评辑

Volume 12
受三子谱(清雍正三年梅影楼刻本) (清)过文年撰
残局类选(清乾隆三十五年云间钱氏笙雅堂刻本) (清)钱长泽选

Volume 13
弈理析疑(清乾隆五十五年刻本) (清)松龄撰
弈妙(清乾隆间崇雅堂刻本) (清)施绍暗鉴定
弈萃官子(清嘉庆二十一年邗江卞氏味书斋刻本) (清)卞文恒评选
弈程(清嘉庆间张雅博退一步山房刻本) (清)张雅博辑

Volume 14
受子谱选(清嘉庆间刻本) (清)李汝珍辑
寄闲斋精选官子谱(清嘉庆间刻本) (清)兴廉辑
空中楼阁棋谱(清嘉庆间刻本) (清)兴廉辑
稼书楼弈谈(清咸丰六年晋阳邑员氏兰岩别墅刻本) (清)徐德焕,(清)员履亨辑
周懒予先生围棋谱(清同治十二年江左书林刻本) (清)周〓辑

Volume 15
六家弈谱(清咸丰间刻本) (清)王彦侗辑
弈局指南(清同治三年揭阳会习经湖楼抄本) (清)佚名撰
陈方七局(清光绪十一年南京李光明庄刻本) (清)常仲仰编

Volume 16
餐菊斋棋评(清同治十一年活字本) (清)周鼎撰
待月〓棋谱(清光绪元年刻本) (清)方浚颐辑
待月〓弈存(清光绪元年刻本) (清)方浚颐辑
弈括(清光绪十四年蜗〓刻本) (清)黄龙士撰
陈子仙围棋百局(清光绪十六年刻本) (清)赵晋卿编

Volume 17
国弈(清光绪十三至十五年蜗〓刻本) (清)鲍鼎辑

Volume 18
寄青霞馆弈选(清光绪二十一年刻本) (清)王存善辑

Volume 19
寄青霞馆续刻弈选(清光绪二十一年刻本) (清)王存善辑
晚香亭弈谱(清光绪二十一至二十二年洪嗣祺抄本) (清)程兰如编
新旧棋谱汇选(清刻本) (清)佚名编
官子谱(清刻本) (清)佚名撰

Volume 20
海昌二妙集(清光绪二十三年浮昙末斋刻本) (清)浮昙末斋辑

Volume 21
弈潜斋集谱初编(清光绪间无锡邓元〓弈潜斋刻本)(一) (清)邓元〓编

Volume 22
弈潜斋集谱初编(清光绪间无锡邓元〓弈潜斋刻本)(二) (清)邓元〓编
弈潜斋集谱二编(清光绪间无锡邓元〓弈潜斋刊本)(一) (清)邓元〓编

Volume 23
弈潜斋集谱二编(清光绪间无锡邓元〓弈潜斋刻本)(二) (清)邓元〓编

Volume 24
树滋堂四子谱(附官着谱)(清清颖刘壮国刻本)(一) (清)过文年撰;(清)刘壮国辑

Volume 25
树滋堂四子谱(附官着谱)(清清颖刘壮国刻本)(二) (清)过文年撰;(清)刘壮国辑
居易堂围棋新谱(清刻本) (清)沈赋汇选

Volume 26
血泪图四子谱(清刻本暨抄本) (清)佚名编
石研斋弈萃(清抄本) (清)秦恩复撰
名弈拟局(清抄本) (清)佚名编
尊天爵斋弈谱(民国间上海文瑞楼石印本) (清)傅延涛,(清)李琳,(清)周鼎编
潘景斋弈谱约选(民国三年石印本) 楚桐隐,章芝楣评

Volume 27
受子谱(民国元年上海文瑞楼石印本) 毛孝光辑
趣园围棋入门碎谱(民国二十六年上海明善书局石印本) 蔡丕撰;蔡振绅录绘

Volume 28
八大家受子弈谱(民国间抄本)(一) 佚名编

Volume 29
八大家受子弈谱(民国间抄本)(二) 佚名编

Volume 30
名家弈谱(民国元年上海文瑞楼石印本) 上海文瑞楼辑
新桃花泉(民国七年上海有正书局石印本) 佚名编
问秋吟社弈评初编(民国六年北京中亚书局石印本) 汪富评辑

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#39 Assembly Goban Signed by Yasui Sentetsu


Assembly Goban signed by Yasui Sentetsu (the 6th head of the Yasui house) said to be made by the Edo era goban master Takanashi Kiyoe
江戸碁盤師 伝高梨清兵衛 六代安井仙哲記囲碁式揮毫 組立碁盤

The dimensions of the goban:
Leg Height:15.6cm
Surface of the Goban:36.4×33.2cm
(So basically it’s quite a bit smaller than the normal-size Japanese goban)

This set was recently auctioned on Yahoo JP and ended up over JPY500,000 including tax. It was way above my budget so I didn’t even try. Not only is the construction interesting but there is also a whole essay on the back written by Yasui Sentetsu, the sixth head of the Yasui house. There is not much information in English available on this historical go personality. No one even knows when he was born and he only lasted a few years as the head of the Yasui from 1775-1780 as a 7th dan. He is probably best known for having picked a genius as his successor, Senchi Senkaku aka O-Senchi who became the 7th head of the Yasui house upon the death of Sentetsu in 1780. Please check out my writeup of “Games of the Sage – Yasui Senchi” if you would like to find out more about O-Senchi.

I’d love to find out more about what Yasui Sentetsu wrote on the back of the goban but I can’t even read typewritten Japanese, much less handwritten. So if anyone would like to try to give us a nice translation of the essay, please do let us know what it says in the comments section.

The inside bottom of the wooden box for holding the go bowls says the maker of the goban is Takanashi Kiyoe 高梨清兵衛. As the goban itself doesn’t have any marks from the maker, we can only attribute it as such and cannot be sure he is the actural maker. The go bowls are dated 嘉永六年 which corresponds with the year 1848. As we know Yasui Sentetsu died in 1780, this would seem to indicate that the go bowls were put together with the goban as a set many years after the goban was originally made.

There is another assembly goban which seems to be made by Takanashi Kiyoe shown at this Japanese webpage.

Also check out Master Hirai Yoshimatsu’s “Cat’s Paw Assembly Goban” for another look at an assembly goban.

For those who understand Japanese, I include the original Japanese description of this go set for your enjoyment.


六代安井仙哲(やすい せんてつ、生年不詳 – 1780年8月4日(安永9年7月4日)は、江戸時代の囲碁棋士で、春哲仙角門下にて原仙哲を名乗っていたが、1748年(寛永元年)に仙角の跡目として御城碁に初出仕、井上春碩因碩に三子にて3目勝。1767年(明和4年)に本因坊察元が名人に就くと、察元に争碁を求めるが、跡目であるために資格なしとして認められなかった。1775年(安永4年)に仙角が退隠し、家督を継いで安井家六世となるが、1780年(安永9年)に死去。法名は慈雲院隆圓日覺信士。養子としていた坂口仙徳の子の仙知が、跡式として安井家を継いだ。御城碁は39局を勤めた。

碁笥はそれぞれ蓋裏に「嘉永六年癸丑晩秋 巖亭 言三造焼」、碁笥裏には「長好庵弓月」と長好の銘があります。

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Chinese Weiqi Ancient Manuals Complete Collection (10 books/24 volumes)

Chinese Weiqi Ancient Manuals Complete Collection-07
Series: Chinese Weiqi Ancient Manuals Complete Collection (10 books/24 volumes)
Publisher: Gansu Culture Publishing House 甘肃文化出版社
Contributors include: Chen Zude 陈祖德, Wang Runan 王汝南
Published: 2004
Format: Traditional bound volumes with engraved wood protection for each of the 10 sets of books
Publisher Recommended Price: RMB6888

Published in 2004, this was first published as a limited set of ancient Chinese go books limited to 2000 sets. There are 10 books with a total of 24 volumes (more than one volume per book). The volumes in each book are protected by two pieces of wood engraved with the name of the book.

The actual volumes are made with high quality binding and paper similar to the binding in high quality antique Chinese/Japanese books.

Unlike the original ancient manuals, these books are notated with Arabic numerals instead of Chinese numerals. And the printing quality is good so you don’t have to guess where certain moves are as with some old Chinese go books from the 80’s. Some of the books in this set do not seem to contain everything from the original versions. For example, this version of Shiqing Lu 适情录 only has 2 volumes where as the original has 20 volumes. So please don’t treat these as definitive versions of the original works.

The set comprises of the following:

Taohua Quan Yipu (2 volumes) 桃花泉弈谱(二卷)
Yili Zhiguitu (4 volumes) 弈理指归图(四卷)
Jianshantang Yipu (2 volumes) 兼山堂弈谱(二卷)
Yikuo (2 volumes) 弈括(二卷)
Yimo (2 volumes) 弈墨(二卷)
Sizi Pu (2 volumes) 四子谱(二卷)
Xianji Wuku (4 volumes) 仙机武库(四卷)
Shiqing Lu (2 volumes) 适情录(二卷)
Xuanxuan Qijing (2 volumes) 玄玄棋经(二卷)
Wangyou Qingle Ji (2 volumes) 忘忧清乐集(二卷)

There are no ISBN for this set that I know of.

Although this is one of the highest quality collection of ancient Chinese go manuals, there are still other ancient Chinese go manuals not included in this set. So although it is called a “complete” set of Chinese ancient weiqi manuals, there are still other books available in this genre for the serious collector.

Some of these books may be available without the wood protection on Taobao for much much cheaper than when it first came out.

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[Tidbit] Yu Bin Talks About Calculation In Weiqi

Calculation in weiqi is a combination of three factors: Reading Depth, Selection and Position Judgement. This kind of calculation occurs in every game played. Pure calculation strength is the path I follow, a path you must follow: Being able to calculate fifty or more moves ahead. Now we come to the problem of selection and also the problem of positional judgement. We must face selection when we consider the variations which follow a move and what results can be calculated for these variations. We must use positional judgement to consider which path is the best choice. We must also consider positional judgement from the point of view of our opponent and the choices available for their response; only then can we know which direction the game is likely to head towards. When we blend all these elements together, we get calculation.

Players still have not reached perfection. Most positional judgement is ambiguous and the so-called reading depth is merely a general idea which incorporates an artful outlook. How we feel about a situation is another heavy consideration. We might feel that a safe move might yield 6 points whereas a riskier move might yield 8 points. With players having different characters, some who enjoy punishing their opponent would select the high yield risky move whereas steady players would likely select the lower yield safe move.

Therefore it’s not a matter of having positions which can’t be calculated thoroughly, such positions can be calculated thoroughly, but as players have different characters their selection of moves in the same position can be very different.

In my view, from the opening to the latter half of the middlegame, I would generally not estimate the score but instead concentrate on looking for the most efficient way to play according to the global outlook and wait until nearly the end of the game when I would then accurately count the points to calculate the winner of the game. Many players are similar to me, but others begin to make early detailed counts as they approach the start of the middlegame. This reflects the differences in the habits of the players.

When I was young, my ability was limited and my thinking was relatively simple, calculation was focused on local situations. Now I am somewhat narrow-minded and focus on the global picture. Pure calculation has been superseded by positional judgement based on a foundation of calculation.

After I became a high dan, I often encounter a new type of confusion and this is my not being clear on which move is the better move. This makes me hesitate even more than when facing just one unalterable path to calculate. Perhaps it is because I haven’t reached a high enough level of understanding yet.

Only local area life and death problems have universally agreed upon answers. With regard to playing globally, players with different styles and different levels of understanding will have different ways to play. With just a single move, players and kibitzers may have many heated discussions. As said previously, some people do not like playing moves which are unclear and would rather take a small loss; while other people prefer making moves which generate high profit but which carry high risks. For example there might be two choices and Nie Weiping would consider my choice to be lax where as I would consider Nie’s choice to be overly aggressive. Such would be caused by our different weiqi styles.

I very much agree with Kobayashi Koichi’s idea to prefer playing at a place he understands clearly even if it results in an unsightly shape as this very practical. Whereas I don’t agree with Takemiya Masaki and Otake Hideo who both chase after shape above all else. Of course this is because our judgements are different which results in our selections being different.

Calculation strength is developed slowly along with your level of understanding in playing weiqi. Naturally at our professional level of understanding, pure calculation is already at a very useable level and very rarely do we encounter cases where our calculation strength is not enough. The crux is based on positional judgement and selection of what we discover within the depths of our reading. To raise our level of understanding is mostly a matter of positional judgement and selection.

The games with long time settings for the professional is not played as outsiders might surmise with calculations based on summing up each point on the board and this process leading to finding the right place to play each move. Professionals can often find a play based on their first instinct. In fact, most professionals will play 8 out of 10 moves on locations based on their first instinct. In other words, whether playing a quick game or a game with long time settings, 8 out of 10 moves will be the same. The remaining time is used for verification, positional judgement and seeking out an even better move. I had thought that only in quick games would there not be enough time for introspection. But I must point out that professionals who thrive in long time setting games rarely play quick games poorly. They are prudent, especially Cho Chikun who often uses up all his main time in the early few moves of fuseki and upon entering byoyomi continues to play exciting moves. His instincts are very good, even when he is in byoyomi, he can still play moves which seem to have deep thoughts backing them up.

When the situation is tense with both sides being very close and positional judgement not showing much of a difference, this is the time which really requires careful thinking.

When my confidence is high, my style would be rather steady and my plays would be quite tranquil because I believe I will perform well in the latter half of the game. But if my positional judgement is rather pessimistic, thinking of how to play in a tranquil steady manner would lead to losses. I would therefore proactively seek to stir up some fighting.


Loosely translated from a Chinese article posted on a Chinese forum.

Read SL for more info on Yu Bin

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[Tidbit] On How A Grown-Up Can Self-learn Weiqi from Tygem 2D to 8D

The original Chinese essay was written in 2007 by 烟飘万里 and can be found here with the revised edition here. The original English version was titled “To become a master of Go is not easy, but to become an amateur 5D or 6D is not hard” translated and posted by igo@indonesia in 2009 on a defunct website which can be accessed via webarchive here. I will now try to translate the original revised Chinese version as I have found some of igo@indonesia’s translation abridged and not as clear.


Looking at the forum, I have seen many weiqi enthusiasts who wished to increase their go strength but don’t know how. I remembered how I was once as enthusiastic and as eager for progress. I will therefore share my own understanding of the road one must travel on the path from Tygem 2D to 8D to try to stimulate further investigations and hopefully to inspire and help those who are still youngsters at go. Of course this is only my own viewpoint and I hope those who are able to reach Tygem 8D and above can further the discussion and correct my mistakes.

<I> The Requirements of Study: Quality, Method, and Determination

Before we talk in details, I would like to point out several vital points: study quality, method and determination.

1) Study requires quality
Whether studying tsumego problems or actual games, without quality it becomes meaningless. On the internet, you can see many kyus and low dans who have played thousands of games but they fail to grow because the problem is that they don’t attach enough importance to the quality of played games.

2) Study requires paying particular attention to the method
If you study the proper methods, you can avoid many detours. For example, my generation of 7Ds and 8Ds who started learning weiqi in the late 1980s have all taken the detour of memorizing joseki and ended up wasting lots of time.

I reminisce about my most memorable detour: I memorized the Weiqi Joseki Big Complete Encyclopedia so well I knew exactly which page contained which hamete. A friend took out a copy of the Encyclopedia and tested me on it’s contents but failed to stump me (LOL). Vanity is vanity as I had no progress in other areas and wasted a few years of my youth. It wasn’t until many years later that I realized this was a detour.

3) Study requires a tenacious determination
Quoting the famous Chinese lecturer on success, Chen Anzhi (陈安之) [think of him as a Chinese version of Napoleon Hill]: “Don’t just want it, instead you must have it, you must have it!!!” Wanting and doing are totally different things. Only someone with resolution to action can turn an idea into reality.

If you want to be a Tygem 8D, it’s actually not really hard to achieve, but you need to pay a heavy price. You need to sacrifice all your spare time on the game, and if so, there should be no problem jumping from Tygem 2D to 8D within 3 years. If you need to balance the game with other life priorities, within 5 years should be no problem.

When you wake up, you should think about weiqi; when you visit your friend’s home you should bring along a weiqi book; anytime you have idle time, you should pick up your weiqi book; if you have kids, amuse your kids while reading your weiqi book on the side (whether you are considered a model husband is another topic); and if you can do the above for 3 years, I have no doubt you will become 8D.

<II> The Road One Must Travel To Reach Tygem 8D

The direction of long term efforts are mainly in three areas: doing tsumego, playing games, and reviewing the kifu of masters.

1) Drilling tsumego

The importance of drilling tsumego for a Tygem 2D is something everyone understands and needs not be talked about further. Rather we just need to go over how to drill tsumego. So here are a few points I want to simply emphasize.

1. MOST important
If you happen upon a tsumego book, just buy it as long as it’s not something you already own. Even buy easy books as you can gift it to your students or keep it for your own kids to do. If it is a classical tsumego book, make sure to buy two copies: one for everyday use until it becomes disheveled and falls to pieces, while the other is kept as a clean reference which you can easily access. With the tsumego books you can find in today’s market [2007] there are around a total of 10,000 different problems, and each book should tell you for what levels the problems are suitable.

2. Relearn with quality.
Drilling tsumego does not mean doing each problem only once. If you only do each problem once, you will miss it’s essence. To properly drill tsumego, you must read through each problem repeatedly until you are clear about every variation in your mind. But still it not enough — being able to read out the variations slowly versus being able to read out the variations within 10 seconds reflect big differences in go strength.

3. The method of calculation — Two easily overlooked mistakes when doing tsumego

(a) In the process of calculation, you don’t follow through the process of calculation in your mind until it reaches the final conclusion, but you would rather make a conclusion based on your feelings that a certain variation will likely succeed and thereafter stop further calculations. It is key to avoid this critical mistake. The strength in calculation power is built by practicing a thorough calculation process.

(b) Not pondering on the strongest way for your opponent to react. In weiqi, this means playing according to “one’s own wishful thinking”. Hence you must prepare yourself for your opponent’s reactions.

If you are able to avoid the above two mistakes, your calculation can be considered high quality.

4. An insight for drilling tsumego

I recommend a method I often use for doing tsumego, maybe it can help you.

Before drilling tsumego, prepare a pen and paper for recording your mistakes. After your tsumego session, group your mistakes and check the answers thereafter.

Generally speaking, there are three types of mistakes:

(a)  You think you are right, but when you see the answer you find you are wrong. In this case, look at the answer and look for the reason why you made a mistake, you will then know your deficiencies. You need to pay attention to these mistakes as this is an effective way for your improvement. Afterward with repeated effort, you should be able to think about tsumego problems with much greater detail than before.

(b) You can’t calculate the result. If so, you shouldn’t even spend time looking up the answer, but should just save the problem for later on. Your current calculation power is not enough to handle the problem and even after seeing the answer you might not even understand the logic within. The worst thing to do is to enter the dead-end road of rote memorization of tsumego problems.

(c) You doubt the veracity of a tsumego problem and think it might be a mistaken creation. This is possible. Don’t think that just because a book is published that there are no mistakes. In fact every classical tsumego book has mistakes. Even the peak classical problem book Igo Hatsuyoron has mistakes as has Guanzipu. Only the easiest level tsumego books will have totally correct answers. If you have doubt about a problem’s innate accuracy, first look at the model answer and mark the areas you don’t understand and then consult with your teacher or other players. If you can only rely on yourself, perhaps when your go strength is stronger, you may have the ability to calculate whether the problem is really a mistaken creation.

5. Regarding tsumego books

I own a few tsumego books suitable for Tygem 2D which in my understanding are considered prerequisites and useful as teaching material or for self-study. Let me give a simple introduction of these books.

(a) One set is Lee Chang-ho’s Selected Tesuji Go Problems (李昌镐精讲围棋手筋) Volumes 1-6. Another set is Lee Chang-ho’s Selected Life and Death Go Problems (李昌镐精讲围棋死活) Volumes 1-6. After finishing these 12 books, you should have the calculation strength of Tygem 4D or above. Even though these sets are not really authored by Lee Chang-ho, but they are indeed systematic and detailed as they present all the commonly seen fundamentals of L&D and tesuji.

(b) There is also Weiqi Life and Death 1000 Problems (围棋死活1000题) which is very good and suitable for enlightening players up to amateur 3D.

(c) Then there is the set Weiqi Life and Death Drills (围棋死活训练) for which I recommend the beginner and intermediate level volumes. (The advanced level volume is not recommended as it is mainly suitable for amateur 6D to professionals. Some of the problems within this volume are so hard that even mid-level dans could spend half an hour without being able to thoroughly calculate the variations.) These two recommended volumes have over 800 problems each. The are suitable for Tygem 2D with a few problems being a bit harder, but nevertheless, just continue onwards if you encounter such. (When my student completed the recommended two volumes, he jumped from Tygem 5k to Tygem 4D. Of course by then he was at a stage where he could immediately read out the variations as soon as the problem came out.)

If you own the above sets of books, when you finish them you should have done around 4,500 problems and achieve the level of a Tygem 6D. The quantity of tsumego drilled and go strength is indeed related. The more you throw your heart into drilling, the more profit you reap.

Afterwards, you can study Guanzipu which will help you achieve Tygem 7D.

Tygem 7D is a barrier which requires calculation ability and an all-around understanding of the elements of weiqi. Without having great strength in a certain aspect of weiqi or a thick understanding of the global picture, it is impossible to go beyond 7D. If you want to break this barrier, you should study the Heavenly Dragon Diagrams Volumes 1 & 2 which if you can do half of the problems, you should already have broken through 7D.

In my opinion, the essence of these two books are different. Guanzipu is unitized, that is it requires you to explore a single fundamental thought concept which you continuously practice. Heavenly Dragon Diagrams Volumes 1 & 2 requires practicing the convergence of several thought concepts to solve each life and death problem. (Maybe this is the intersection of amateurs and professionals?? I urge someone who understands this to explain it better!)

If you can enter this level of tsumego drilling, your calculation ability is no longer within the level of most weiqi enthusiasts. You are already not far from the level of a strong amateur player. You should basically be at Tygem 8D. Looking back at the process, you should have completed around 7,000 problems.

To summarize this section, doing tsumego requires calculation and not rote memorization.

2) Playing Actual Games

It’s very difficult to put pen to paper as I don’t know how to really start off this subject. This post originates from having a sense of wanting to write something after seeing a weiqi friend seek advice. So as I have already started, I just want to say that I have put my pen to paper without having first carefully deliberating what to write so if you find any mistakes, please advise and correct me.

I think we should first start off with the paying attention to the quality of playing an actual game.

An actual game is where both players contest the efficiency of their moves with a strict requirement to play each move at the best place that one’s level of understanding allows. This is a road which every Tygem 2D must travel to reach Tygem 8D. Only in this way can one gain strength.

In an actual game, the power struggle is focused on playing each move better than the opponent rather than making moves which catch the eye. (Whether you can actually achieve playing each move better than your opponent in an actual game is another matter, as is whether you have placed enough effort in this endeavor.)

Weiqi is a fight for efficiency. Disregarding the first 10 to 20 moves of fuseki as well as the endgame, we can randomly choose any sequence of 10 moves from the game and see that the efficiency of the players are different. Their results are also different with the side having higher efficiency profiting the most.

A match is normally around 250 moves. Disregarding fuseki and the endgame, there remains 200 moves which depend on efficiency. (So even if we can’t fully copy the fuseki of pros we can still imitate and the small endgame plays for both pros and ourselves should be the same.) By accumulating tiny profits playing each move more efficiently than your opponent, over a course of 200 odd moves, you will win the game.

So we can say that increasing go strength with regards to techniques is based on raising the efficiency of each move. The root of a decisive victory is the struggle to play every move with higher efficiency than your opponent.

Some weiqi players have played several tens of thousands of games on the internet and yet cannot increase rank because of this reason. They only play the way they like to play rather than playing the moves with the highest efficiency.

In modern times, being able to play face-to-face can probably be considered a luxury. More often, games are played online as a substitute. The different habits of each person dictates the speed each player gains strength. I suggest to those Tygem 2D who want to reach Tygem 8D that when they play a game, don’t do anything else, have a cup of tea in front of you, and concentrate on playing each move well. When your opponent is thinking, you should also be thinking knowing that you need to play each move better and more outstanding than your opponent.

I have a practice I would like to recommend. It is a method I created.

In the past before a citywide tournament, I once wrote on my hand the words: “Pay Attention”. These two words constantly reminded me that I had once played weiqi online where I placed a piece of paper in of my computer on which I wrote “Pay Attention To Efficiency” to constantly remind myself.

So please write on a piece of paper whatever you usually neglect and then place it in a conspicuous place and it will help you improve your game.

I will temporary end with this but I feel what I have written seems rather strange.


[Note: This is the end of the original revised Chinese version. The original English translation had a bit more additional material which did not come from the Chinese original nor the Chinese revised version so I did not include that in this post.]


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Games of the Sage – Yasui Senchi (2 volumes)

Title: Games of the Sage – Yasui Senchi (2 volumes)
先哲之譜 安井仙知 (上下巻)
Author/Editor: 石心庵
Publisher: unknown
Published: 2002
Format: traditionally bound
Publisher Recommended Price: unknown

Yasui Senchi 安井仙知 (1764-1837) [a.k.a. Yasui Senchi Senkaku 安井仙知仙角, Sakaguchi Senchi, O-Senchi] was the seventh head of the Yasui house from 1780-1814. Being the strongest player of his day without peers, he could have but did not apply for the title of Meijin Godokoro as he then could only play against the Shogun; such was his love of active play. According to the bibliography from the old GoGOD CD, his central influence style “is famously described as 奇正変幻不可端倪 (switching between the orthodox and unorthodox in fathomless ways)”. His style was well noted by Go Seigen and Kitani Minoru and may have had a great influence in the development of their New Fuseki. Perhaps this is why he has been called The Grandfather of Modern Go.

GoGOD also notes that there is a theory that the famous problem set Igo Hatsuyoron may have been compiled by Senchi rather than Inoue Inseki, but there are no explanations how it ended up with the house of Inoue.

It is a wonder why I had previously been unable to find a definitive collection of his games as his style is so famous and so influential. When I finally found this collection, I was so happy to have the chance to own it as I have never heard or seen it before this time.

The present volumes have collected 127 game records total. I’m not sure how many game records of Yasui Senchi are available in the latest GoGOD collection but using an older CD version with their GoLibrary2 software, I counted only 67 game records (all the ones with the text Yasui Senchi less the ones played at his residence by other people).

For those who are curious about the game record shown in the third photo, it is of Senchi vs. Monetsu played on 1809-12-23 which is also the game illustrated on SL in their entry of this great player.

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#38 Honinbo Shusaku’s Handwritten Kifu


At a recent Japanese auction, a rare historical showed up being a well preserved handwritten kifu from 1855(安政二年). It seems that the document is handwritten by Honinbo Shusaku as a record of two games he played in April 1855.
The first game is a record of Inoue Genan Inseki [W] vs. Honinbo Shusaku [B] played on April 22, 1855 (安政二年三月六日). It seems that this game record is only recorded to the move 179 whereas the GoGOD version of this game ends with 219 moves.
The second game is a record of Honinbo Shusaku [W] vs. Hattori Hajime [B] played on April 23, 1855 (安政二年三月七日). It seems this game was left unfinished after move 59.

Did I try to purchase this wonderful document? Yes, but the price ran away from what I was willing to afford – very much more. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this rare example of Honinbo Shusaku’s handwriting.

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#37 Hermes Go Set

Apparently the famous fashion company Hermes made a roll up go set in the year 2000 (D engraving). The mat is leather and I would guess that the stones are made of wood. There are 180 stones of each color.
Not exactly my cup of tea but just an interesting go sighting for those who deem themselves fashionable and rich.

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#36: Meiji Period Painting of a Game of Go Beneath a Large Calligraphy Scroll

Whenever I look at this painting, I feel a calmness in how they play the game and yet I get a feeling that it’s probably an important game. It reminds me to stay calm and focused on the game no matter how important the game is. I also like the calligraphy scroll in the background. Not sure what it says but the calligraphy is beautiful and elegant. Paintings which have an inner version of painting or calligraphy are always very special in my eyes with their fine details.

The scroll is around 185.5cm x 59.5cm and the painting itself is around 113.5cm x 46.5cm.

I acquired this painting from a Japanese auction and the seller said that the painting seems to be from the Meiji period but has no further info on the painter.

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Honinbo Jowa Complete Games Collection

Title: The Perfected Honinbo Jowa Complete Games Collection
完本本因坊丈和全集 全4巻
Publisher: Seibundo-Shinkosha 誠文堂新光社
Published: 2005 平成17

With 333 games, this set is currently the most complete collection of Honinbo Jowa games available. This set comes inside a thin wooden case. A very rare and expensive collection to obtain. The much easier to obtain Chinese version of Honinbo Jowa’s games only has 274 records.

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